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New Cycle Hamilton GIS Tracking Map

Alex Ricci, a post graduate student from Algonquin College, has generously created a GIS Issue Tracking Map for Cycle Hamilton. This application allows you to report issues in Hamilton with regards to cycling. Click here to view more information regarding the new GIS map…

Looking to Hamilton’s neighbours for cycling inspiration

Written by Erin Kennedy. Retrieved from Hamilton Spectator July 2016. ~ ~ Taking the scenic route is nice, but sometimes I just want the direct route home. Yes, I’m talking about cycling in the city of Hamilton, which has a few bright spots, but generally lacks connectivity and…

Beyond Shifting Gears

Article written by Erin Kennedy. Retrieved from Hamilton Spectator in June 2016. Taking the scenic route is nice, but sometimes I just want the direct route home. Yes, I’m talking about cycling in the City of Hamilton, which has a few bright spots, but generally lacks connectivity and has historically…

Women on Wheels

Article written by Lynda Lukasik. Retrieved from Hamilton Spectator May 2016. I’m a woman and I ride a bike.  And I don’t just stick to the recreational trails and quiet side streets.  I’m a commuter cyclist with a daily ride that amounts to just over 20 kms round trip.  I’ve made…

Cyclists vs. Drivers: Who Pays their Fair Share?

Article written by Matt Pinder. Retrieved from Hamilton Spectator April 2016. “Freeloader!” the driver yells out his window as he blows past the cyclist. After paying thousands of dollars a year in license fees, parking fees, and gas taxes for the right to drive, he wonders: “how is it fair that…

Active transport in Hamilton: We deserve safer options in 2016

Hamilton Spectator article by Cycle Hamilton’s Advocacy/Communications Chair Benita van Miltenburg  Retrieved From February 2016. As both a Hamiltonian and a bicycle user, I was deeply troubled by the recent death of Jay Keddy. Keddy was a well-prepared and thoroughly practised cyclist, properly equipped…

Wheels of Fortune–How cycling can pay dividends to all Hamiltonians

Article written by Matt Pinder. Retrieved from Hamilton Spectator February 2016. Have you ever cycled on Hamilton’s streets? If not, then you likely only know cycling in Hamilton as it appears from behind the wheel of an automobile. From this perspective, surrounded by airbags and a giant steel cage, many…

City must commit to safer roads

One tragic day this month, Jay Keddy set off for his daily commute home from Prince of Wales school on Melrose Avenue North to the west end of the Hamilton Mountain. He never arrived. Jay Keddy was killed doing something that most of us don’t think twice about…

PRESS RELEASE – Join Cycle Hamilton to support a Unified Voice for Cyclists

Launched in October 2015, Cycle Hamilton aims to increase the amount of safe, confident, and knowledgeable cyclists in Hamilton by promoting better infrastructure and developing partnerships with organizations, community groups, and citizens.  To work towards this long-term goal, Cycle Hamilton has set the following goals for 2015-2016: Structure: Cycle…