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Why become a member?

  • Grow our influence. Our voice is as strong as our member base.
  • Help to demonstrate that there is a strong biking community in our city.
  • Help keep us in operation. Your membership dollars help to keep us rolling.
  • Get a vote at our AGM. Your voice matters and we want to help amplify it.
  • Help create a community that is healthier, safer, and more vibrant for everyone.

How can you become a Cycle Hamilton member? Our one-year membership types are listed below and all members are encouraged to engage as volunteers and share their voices within our community.

A no-cost membership for those who want to learn more.
Cycle Hamilton Events
Membership Meetings
$25 / Year
Our primary supporters that help us keep moving forward.
Membership Benefits
Discount Cycle Hamilton T-Shirt
$250 / Year
Dedicated for business owners to support local safe cycling.
Storefront Decal
Newsletter Logo
Cycle Hamilton Events
Membership Meetings

How to Volunteer and Why it Matters.

Since our inception in 2015, Cycle Hamilton has been a volunteer-based non-profit organization. This means that the majority of our daily activities and advocacy are carried out by volunteers. All of our volunteers are citizens of Hamilton and the surrounding area and work together to build a more bike-friendly city. As an organization, we do everything we can to empower volunteers to work on tasks that match their skill sets and interests. Want to volunteer? See some of our opportunities below.